Monday, March 2, 2009

Big Boy Bed

In preparation for Little Brother we have decided to transition Ev into a "big boy bed". Last night we semi-successfully put Ev to bed without the confinement of bars. Our strategy is to slowly transition to a twin bed by first having him sleep on his crib mattress on the floor. It only took about 30 minutes of crying/whining and 3 trips by us to lay him back down (his strategy was to roll off the mattress crawl to the bedroom door and knock, kick, and cry... it was kind of amusing for sadistic mommy) and he was fast asleep. I was completely impressed by this!

My anxiety level is still pretty high, it just seems odd to let him be so independent so young, but we want to get him used to a regular bed way before little brother arrives so we won't have two cryin kids in the middle of the night. I'm hoping the next few nights are even better and we can get him in his regular twin sized bed soon.

We are still open to ideas on transition strategies if anyone has a suggestion please leave a comment!

1 comment:

Lacey Lu said...

Your plan is very similar to how ours was. The first week, we had to put him back in bed several times. Sometimes he'd end up sleeping on the floor for an hour or so. I hope it continues to go well for you!