Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And then there were 4!

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! We had a beautiful weekend up in Portland with Doug's mom and aunts and family... We ate way too much, laughed pretty hard, and laid around lazily for 4 days. It was perfect :)

We have a LOT to be thankful for this year. We just found out that we are expecting a new addition to our family! #2, as we affectionately call it, will be joining us on or around June 23rd. So that is our big news, sorry to those of you that feel this official announcement is a little impersonal, it is pretty difficult to spread the news on an individual basis.

Ev will be turning one tomorrow! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. He is now walking all the time, has going on 6 teeth, says mama and dada, and what I swear is "that". He is also developing quite a strong will, so that should make for an exciting year! AH!!

Here are some pictures to update everyone on our November adventures!

Out to dinner at Rockbottom Brewery with our P-Town friends and soon to be fellow parents

Doug makin the gravy
Grandma and all the aunts

Ev on T Day, He wore the hat for about 5 minutes and I think thats a cat toy he's chewing on.

Our lame attempt at a self family portrait

A couple of our professional family pics from this year

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