Monday, August 3, 2009

Trailer Trash

We are bound for the great outdoors now that we have a proper recreational vehicle. Some might not call a 1988 Starcraft Meteor tent trailer a recreational vehicle but I would have to argue! Are we not using it for recreation? Does it not have wheels? Therefore it is a recreational vehicle! Doug and I have been looking for a while for something we could use for camping adventures. With two little ones sleeping in the back of the truck just doesn't cut it anymore. We are so excited to head out!

Everett has discovered a love for "wading" we took him to Lithia Park last weekend and he splashed and kicked... we had a great time. He also has discovered the camera. He found an old camera in a drawer somewhere and quickly discovered the "shoot" button. He really likes to take self portraits but unfortunatly his arms aren't long enough for any good shots.

I did a quick photo shoot with Corbin and Carson the other day... They are so adorable, it is fun to see how quickly they grow and change! Corbin has started smiling. You have to work for em but they are awfully sweet when you get em!

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