Thursday, August 14, 2008

Single Parenthood

Thank God, Doug has not come to his senses and ran to Mexico, but he is off at Mountain Bike Oregon for the weekend. This is the first time he has been away from us for this long, so I just hope I survive these next few days! I have a feeling he left so I would appreciate all he does for us on a daily basis!

So, all in a week Everett has learned to crawl, to pull himself up on furniture (or legs or blankets or electrical cords), to cruise the furniture and at times stand completely independent. Whew! We've been busy!

Since mobility has been gained we have been using that two letter word (and some four letter words) a LOT! "No! Don't rip your book apart!" "No don't eat the paper you just ripped out of that book!" "No, don't pull that plant over on top of your head!" Then we get the "devil look" (pictured below) Its like he's 8 months going on 2!! We are gonna have trouble containing this one!

Eating Cereal

Standin up!

The face only a mother could love

Wrestling Dad (Ev won)

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