Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why haven't I posted in 2 months?

This is why!
Mom can't get much done with wild things like this around her!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Everett!

Everett had his first "friends" birthday party this weekend. I can't believe my little baby is 3. He makes our lives so much fun!

The next day we went on a "tree hunt" (at a U-cut tree farm) then had lunch with Santa! Awesome birthday weekend for Ev!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

Now that I have recovered from the turkey coma, and the fudge coma, and the wine coma, I am ready to tell you all about our exciting Thanksgiving holiday! I know you are all on the edge of your seats, sweating with anticipation...

We started off our celebration with our first "preschool program". Everett performed to a packed house (which is more than I can say for many performers out there!). He beguiled us with his "I'm a little Indian", to the tune of "I'm a Little Tea Pot", and "5 Little Turkeys". He got a little bored during the old Welsh prayer and started coping an attitude with one of his classmates. We cannot wait for the next performance!

For Thanksgiving we braved the nasty weather and headed up to Portland to spend some time with the Huffman cousins. Every time we go up we feel so loved and taken care of. It really is an oasis being with all the aunts. They dote on the boys, (including Doug) and accept me like just another member of the family. This year we got to meet the newest member of the family little Miles... he is a darling, I can't wait to spend more time with them.

While in Portland we took the kids on the MAX to the Children's Museum. They exceeded the normal amount of "this is fun" time and for the first time of the trip napped soundly!

We headed back to Medford on Saturday to ensure our attendance at the second annual "winter birthday celebration!" With pizza and a bowling competition on the agenda it was not to be missed! It ended up being a great success and most of all we were able to celebrate Morgan, Caleb, Carson, Cami, and Everett's birthdays all together as a family!

Looking forward to the upcoming Christmas season with even more exciting events to write about sarcastically!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

October was a busy month! Pumpkin patches, bike races, and Halloween candy!

A Dirty Free For All

It's Cyclocross season! For those that don't know Cyclocross is a type of bike racing that includes mountain biking, road biking and obstacles. Kind of like a "steeple chase" with bikes. It is an "off season" sport which means the riders are usually covered in mud and rain! It's a blast to watch and probably even more fun to do!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Golden Rule Days

Everett has started the long journey of education. He has started Pre-school!! My little baby is turning into a boy right before my eyes. Everyday he comes home with something funny to say. So far finger paints and Play Doh win over letters and numbers but he seems to be acclimating well. I love seeing his smiling face when I pick him up everyday and hearing about spider drawings or Curious George stories. He's pretty amazing.

I may have had a slight breakdown on the first day, crying like a colicky baby and then the morning of the second day... but by the third day I was back to normal :). The three hours go fast and I get to spend some alone time with Mr. Corbin who is turning into quite a silly guy!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Camping Olympics 2010

Oh yes, we had our second annual Camping Olympics camp out last weekend. This event was created by our awesomely competitive friends, the Saunders'. The purpose of C.O. is to participate in exciting games such as, Cribbage, "Extreme" Bocce, Badminton, Horseshoes... along with "Top Chef" quickfire challenge, cocktail challenge, and a newcomer "Minute to Win It". We had an awesome time, laughed a TON and enjoyed the fantastic company of friends.